Friday, January 8, 2010

Mya's Birthday

Tomorrow my beautiful granddaughter Mya will be 7 years old

It doesn't seem possible.

Mya was born in Denver, Colorado.

I remember the early morning hours when Krista told Josh her water broke.

I was sound asleep in the spare bedroom and I immediately heard Krista (Maternal instincts I guess).

I thought I'm going to hold my first grandchild in my arms today.

The very second Mya was born, my life changed.

Being a grandparent is better than chocolate, owning diamonds or living in a mansion

Happy Birthday my sweet, sweet baby girl.

You're growing up so fast

You're becoming a young lady who's interested in fashion, jewelry and hair dos

Thank you for sharing your life with me.

I love you and Chase more than you'll EVER know
